Spring House Farm

Spring House Farm Logo
Spring House Farm

16848 Hamilton Station Road
Hamilton, Virginia 20158


PET POLICY: At this time we do not allow pets on the farm

An interview with Andrew Crush – Owner of Spring House Farm

As someone who raises cattle, pigs, chickens and produce, one might think Andrew Crush, owner of Spring House Farm had been in the farming industry since he was a child. When he pulled up in a large pickup truck with his own children in tow, I could almost envision him as a young boy. Eagerly following his father around the farm and completing tasks. That illusion was shattered upon Andrew’s explanation of “accidentally” starting Spring House Farm in 2004.

“My wife’s still trying to figure it out,” he joked, in response to my shocked reaction of accidentally acquiring such a large project.

Why a farm business?

Andrew Crush Working on Farm

Growing up in Southern Virginia, Andrew lived in a neighborhood with acres of land to hunt, fish, and play on. This is a freedom that’s nowadays taken for granted by many tablet and phone-obsessed kids. Andrew wanted to make sure his children would have the same liberties he was given growing up. For the Crush family, farm ownership allows for the environment they want: a hard work, equally as hard play which equals an ultimately active lifestyle.

Benefits of Grass-Fed vs Grain Fed

Spring House Farm’s unique approach is au natural, grass-fed diets only for all of his animals. This alone is enough to make Spring House Farm stand out from the rest. Not selling to the masses and the furthest thing from commercial, Andrew gives the animals time to mature as nature meant it to be. Cows are 100% grass-fed, so you can expect lean, healthy beef. The pigs, once matured, are given room in the forest to scavenge and graze. His chickens have room to roam, unlike many commercial practices that keep thousands cooped in a space meant for maybe 100.

Spring House Farm Store

A new concept in Loudoun County, Spring House Farm offers a community store on the farm. Here you can pick up local produce, eggs, dairy products, as well as Andrew’s beef and pork. The store is open from 8 am to 8 pm, stop by.

“With a 5.0 google review, shop our delicious meats, eggs, and honey, Trickling Springs and South Mountain Creamery dairy products, and seasonal vegetables. The store offers local Virginia food from our farm to your table. Take the opportunity to connect with where your food comes from!”

If you have particular needs, just call Andrew – 540-822-0556

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